
What is CONA?
As our company name reveals “CONA Services” is mainly about 2 things:
- CONA = (Coke One North America) is an IT Platform for the North American Coca-Cola Bottling business. It provides our participating Bottlers a common set of processes, data standards, manufacturing and customer solutions.
- We provide services to our Bottlers that enable a superior customer experience and digital business innovation.
In other words, CONA Services delivers solutions for the Bottlers to optimally run their daily business and refresh the world. Our Bottlers are not only our customers, but are strong partners, and leaders in CONA Services’ accomplishments.
Our Purpose
Unlocking Technology to Deliver Happiness
Vision 2026
We will grow our people, partnerships, capabilities and customer base to a profitable business model returning dividends to our owners while maintaining a stable core technology at the right cost.
Our Priorities
- Be more entrepreneurial and self-directed with an aptitude for data-driven decision making and for failing fast, valuing our Bottlers business advice and experience.
- Be more innovative with an openness to new solutions and awareness of technologies trends with a strong research and agile mindset and an increased focus on sustainability.
- Be more people focused prioritizing team development, equity and inclusion and having fun.
- Secure the future with focus on evolving security threats and the need to secure our data assets.
How We Are Governed
Board Committees
- Executive Compensation & HR Committee
- Audit Committee
- IT Risk Committee
Business Committees
- CONA Tax Committee
- Architect Review Board
- Cyber Security Working Group
- CRB Executive Business Advisory Committee
- Supply Chain Business Advisory Committee
- Finance Executive Business Advisory Committee
- Procurement Executive Business Advisory Committee
- HR 2.0 Steering Committee
- Master Data Strategy Council
- Innovation Council
Launch of Coke One
Coke One started out as a global program focusing on Bottler process and data standards. 10 international Franchise Bottlers participated in this program and decided for a collaborative approach rather than investing separately in building IT capabilities to advance their business. Coke One impacted activities that accounted for 80% of the spending. It was a convincing and substantial business case.
Tailor Coke One to the North American Market
After Coke One was successfully rolled out in different Bottling organizations all over the world, the task was to tailor the global template to the North American market. With the launch of Coke One North America the team set out to become an integral part of one of the most important strategic initiatives in the history of Coca-Cola –the implementation of a 21st Century Beverage Partnership Model.
CONA Services LLC has its operational go-live
3 years later, to strengthen the overall business model of the Coca-Cola Bottling refranchising in North America, the six largest Coca-Cola Bottlers announced the formation of an information technology services company, CONA Services LLC.
2017 / 2018
Completion of Refranchising and Legacy Deployments
The CONA solution has been rolled out to over 500 US and Canada Bottling locations two years ahead of schedule and under budget. CONA is running one of the largest single instance, Software as a Service environments in the world. CONA Services supports now 11 Bottling Partners with over 80,000 employees.
Celebrated Eight Years of Success as an Independent Company
Through the years, we have accomplished so much. Together we have delivered world-class service and solutions across The Coca-Cola System and solidified our position as a valued strategic partner to our Bottlers. None of this would be possible without the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of each one of our associates.