CONA is Breaking Performance Testing Records
March 15 – Hewlett Packard Enterprises (HPE) confirms that CONA has officially executed the largest and longest SAP Graphical User Interface (GUI) System Performance Test to date on our CONA environment. HPE’s records show that prior tests on other SAP GUI systems, before CONA, were at a maximum run of an hour long and had capped out at 1,500 users. A successful CONA test with higher user volume over a longer duration tells us that we are meeting, and beating the requirement set by our bottling partners, and our CONA Services Leadership Team.
The Performance Testing Project Team is conducting these tests for 2 primary reasons. First, to prove that our CONA solution will meet the actual volume and processing speed necessary, as we continue to deploy to more bottling partners, with more concurrent users, locations and business functionality. The second primary intent of this project is to find and correct any defects prior to adding a new load and users to the CONA solution. This proactive approach ensures success in multiple facets including – but not limited to: System stability, Deployment success, proper Infrastructure, Solution Delivery governance, Production solution, and most importantly – successful Business Processing for our Bottling Partners.

Special Thanks to our amazing teams, vendors and partners here at CONA! We have now performed what was once thought impossible: a huge performance execution on HPE-Performance Center for SAP GUI that consisted of 6,230 users running over the course of 19 hours.